We 'upgrade' our boys room to quad room seems we added 2 more EP to our team =) it's really an awesome experience to be living under one roof with people from different culture and language! *of course all of us can speak English*
Here's Bato showing us his Russian books!! all I can see is ALIEN alphabetical letters~ He shared with us some of his AIESEC experience with ANSTU LC *local community* =)
some more congested human traffic at the MRT station. 7 eleven convenient store is always the favorite first store to visit every morning. Why??
cause it's filled with everything you can buy!!...Yes everythinggg. instant noodle, beverage, snacks, reload for easy cards, reload for phones...most important of all~ COFFEE! =)
Our intern start with lesson from Professor Andrew. But it was a pretty tight lesson as he have to gives us an 8 hour lecture so we did not have the opportunity to have a proper visit of the shelter
So today was the great opportunity for us to have a really good look at the shelter. How things works here, how they treat the animals etc etc
When we got there we saw this birdy *baby parrot* sitting right on top of the table looking at us like we are some kinda 'cavemen'~ so??
of course we 'played' with it! haha...what I meant was...you know what I mean according to the pictures, everyone was like "I want carry it...." =)
of course we 'played' with it! haha...what I meant was...you know what I mean according to the pictures, everyone was like "I want carry it...." =)
Then we wait for quit some time in the meeting room, because Aunty Liu told us there will be someone to let us know the program for that day. So we waited and waited....and waited...until~~
some of us fell asleep~
birdy was pretty active walk round and round....pricking on our begs...'reading' our brochure then sleeping on Hengyi's shoulder =)
We were messing around with $$ from each of our own country! Some notes makes us feel so RICH like this 100000 Rupiah from Indonesia. We exchanged some...but of course only the small coins for collection & memories. Poor students like me can't afford large dollar bills!!
So anyways~ there's was a lady from the shelter came and gave us an official tour of the shelter. As she finds it more comfortable speaking Mandarin, Henry had to be our temporary translator for us because most EP from my team can't speak Mandarin.
Here's the friendlier cat 'department'. Friendlier cats are put on the front line of the shelter for adoption because they are much more presentable. *of course this doesn't means that other cats were left abandon*.
People can still visit other not so friendly cat's at the back =)
We move to the doggies sections. there was a lot of dogs so the divide it to A B and C D wings. Each wings will take turn being opened to public for visitation/adoption.
All kinds of dogs you can imagine. Big, small, black, white, cute, sad. fierce, furry..
Some even look like a lion! *sorry can't get a proper picture cause it kept moving around!*
.Some of the staff dogs. Very cute indeed ~
Here's the puppies room. puppies room is closed all the time. but we were allow to enter for the visit. normally they won't let people going in and out of this room because little puppies immune system are still weak and are easily infected.
Mummy dogs will be in puppies room too to nurture their puppies.
We got a tiny job experience, that is to move the deceased dogs to the frozen room *will only be there temporary*.

Here's the staff who gave us the tour *sorry I can't recall her name*~
She then gave us a explanation on the shelter's history, how it came about. The problems they face.
The statistic of the animals populations etc etc.

others was giving their attention too.
Pat was meditating~
nahhh...just kidding..it was actually our break time so some of us took rest~ =P
Birdy resting too =)
Tons of Dog food!!
Mummy dogs will be in puppies room too to nurture their puppies.
We got a tiny job experience, that is to move the deceased dogs to the frozen room *will only be there temporary*.
The frozen room~ to temporary store the deceased animals

Here's the staff who gave us the tour *sorry I can't recall her name*~
She then gave us a explanation on the shelter's history, how it came about. The problems they face.
The statistic of the animals populations etc etc.
Bato was really paying full attention =)
others was giving their attention too.
Pat was meditating~
nahhh...just kidding..it was actually our break time so some of us took rest~ =P
There's even a wheelchair doggy. First time for me to see this! Really cool and touched to see how much love the people there have for these animals.
The scanner used to scan for dog tags implanted in the dogs. Dogs with tags are dogs with official owner~
This hyper kitty's really playful..like to mess around on the staff's work desk. It thought the monitor was touch screen...haha...nah~ it's just very curious seeing the mouse pointer on the screen.
After too much exercise it fell asleep~ just like that. Hope sweet~
we get to walk some of the doggies~
Bring them out of their cage and walk with them around the shelter compound~
It was an great day~
Night view in Taipei is just really amazing!
Now I know, Snoopy, Baloo and JayJay will be in good hand upon Jovian returning home and maybe someday the whole family can go travelling and we can leave anything and everything to our dear Jovian at home
ReplyDeleteya lor daddy...when jovian go back during the holidays u can take a break from scooping doddy poop since jovian is much pro at doing that and also take them for walks and bath!