Few days had passed. Everything still to go on pretty smooth. One thing about the life in Taipei, have to walk a lot! *Leg hurts* =S but still acceptable~
This is my last day of home-stay at Ben's place. It's was really a nice experience for me. I wish there's more chance again *Big hint to Ben* =P

I remember the first day when I arrive at his front door he gave me this slippers *censored toes* to be wore inside the house. I kept on forgetting to wear it! sorry Ben!~
Another nice breakfast from 劉妈米^^

劉妹妹...she's very funny.

From the left, 劉妈妈, me & Ben!
Hereby would like to thanks Liu Family for the amazing homestay experience! =)
I got to meet 2 other EP for the first time in person ^^. From the left, Martina from Czech Republic and Michelle from UKM Malaysia!
劉阿姨 & me! She's the one in charge of our current animal protection program =)
A really established organization that protects the animal I must say. I hope Malaysia can have something like this in future *a more established one* =)
They were having some meeting when we got there.
Uncle seems to have some dissatisfaction during the meeting but everything was sorted out thanks to 劉阿姨. She's very well respected =)
Martina was very tire because of her 12 hours flight to Taipei.~
We can even find tons of animal vaccines here =)
He even gave us each a notebook *not the laptop notebook* but a notebook for writing
That's the box
when we opened it...wow...really really cool..the cover of the notebook is designed like a ancient china door...with the lion door knocker on it!
from the left Liu Aunty *that's how I call her* , Michelle, Martina, Director Yen and me =)
Someplace nearby where the Animal Protection office is located, we waited for the bus there. According to Liu Aunty 吴宗宪 *Jacky Wu* lives here too!!
Liu Aunty bought us to lunch at one of the famous 7 Eleven somewhere around Taipei 101. 7 Eleven here really has a huge different compared to the ones in Malaysia! here you can find almost anything you need...zillion types of instant food, beverages and so on. You can even reload your easy card here. How convenient for a convenient store!
some of the many instant food you can buy. Just pick the one you like, make payment and they will microwave it for you.
cheese pasta for Martina & Michelle...
BBQ Pork for me =)
Something pretty important for anyone who wants to visit Shilin Night Market. We have to get off from JianTan Station Not Shilin Station. Because if you get off from Shilin Night station you will walk until you drop! lols~
Shilin Night Market is just Opposite Jiantan Station
It's super crowded as any night market in Taipei. You can find lots of food and other stuffs here.
Roti canai! this dude is demonstrating his throwing skills. I can't imagine if one day he lost focus and it just drop on his HEAD. hrm~~
We found this candy shop...and YES only candy!..millions of it!! You can eat all and lose all your teeth.
everywhere you can find people selling umbrella. All kinds of umbrella, automatic open/close...even those that looks like samurai sword. Cool huh~
a guy selling 'limited edition' Addidas shoe with wings on it! Maybe it can help you fly around Taipei?
We had this for dinner.
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